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Philada 2nd Mo 12th 60
My Dear Daughters
I received a most
singular letter yesterday, I would
not like to say for certain, who it
was from, but it was directed to me,
and commenced, dear Mother. I
do'nt think it was from Edward,
for it was not his hand writing,
and it spoke of persons, who I know
live down south. but it had neither
name, date, or place of residence.
but as it said something about
returning Home in the course of two,
or three weeks, we think it must
have been from Mary. and as we
Philad<sup>a</sup> 2<sup>nd</sup> Mo 12<sup>th</sup> 60
My Dear Daughters
<p-bgn>I received a most
singular letter yesterday, I would
not like to say for certain, who it
was from, but it was directed to me,
and commenced, dear Mother. I
do'nt think it was from Edward,
for it was not his hand writing,
and it spoke of persons, who I know
live down south. but it had neither
name, date, or place of residence.
but as it said something about
returning Home in the course of two,
or three weeks, we think it must
have been from Mary. and as we
My Dear Daughters
<p-bgn>I received a most
singular letter yesterday, I would
not like to say for certain, who it
was from, but it was directed to me,
and commenced, dear Mother. I
do'nt think it was from Edward,
for it was not his hand writing,
and it spoke of persons, who I know
live down south. but it had neither
name, date, or place of residence.
but as it said something about
returning Home in the course of two,
or three weeks, we think it must
have been from Mary. and as we

have not received a letter from you
for two weeks, we donot know how
long ago this was writen, nor whether
to expect her this this week, next,
or the week after. if I were in a
scolding humour, I should lay
it on her pretty heavy, for such
a careless manner of doing things.
but hope in a few days, we shall
have another letter, that will enlighten
us a little more on the subject.
Emma wrote to you last first day, and I suppose told you R__ and myself, had gone up to NH, to attend Mags passing. well, all things passed of as usual on such occasions. The young folks of course makeing out elegantly, 'tho no one heard hardly a word. have not received a letter from you
for two weeks, we donot know how
long ago this was writen, nor whether
to expect her this <del>this</del> week, next,
or the week after. if I were in a
scolding humour, I should lay
it on her pretty heavy, for such
a careless manner of doing things.
but hope in a few days, we shall
have another letter, that will enlighten
us a little more on the subject.<p-end>
<p-bgn>Emma wrote to you last first
day, and I suppose told you R__
and myself, had gone up to NH,
to attend Mags passing. well,
all things passed of as usual on
such occasions. The <und>young folks</und>
of course makeing out elegantly,
'tho no one heard hardly a word.
Emma wrote to you last first day, and I suppose told you R__ and myself, had gone up to NH, to attend Mags passing. well, all things passed of as usual on such occasions. The young folks of course makeing out elegantly, 'tho no one heard hardly a word. have not received a letter from you
for two weeks, we donot know how
long ago this was writen, nor whether
to expect her this <del>this</del> week, next,
or the week after. if I were in a
scolding humour, I should lay
it on her pretty heavy, for such
a careless manner of doing things.
but hope in a few days, we shall
have another letter, that will enlighten
us a little more on the subject.<p-end>
<p-bgn>Emma wrote to you last first
day, and I suppose told you R__
and myself, had gone up to NH,
to attend Mags passing. well,
all things passed of as usual on
such occasions. The <und>young folks</und>
of course makeing out elegantly,
'tho no one heard hardly a word.

I occupied the dignified position
of seting as Mother to Mag. the day
was rainy, and the roads terrible.
Mag, rode in a Buggy with the
Doctor. and I expected her elegant
Brocade Silk dress, and new
Bonnet, would have been ruined.
but I beleive they came out all right.
Shanie looks distressed, and is not any more, nor as much reconciled to it, than she was at first. but Peggy, is all life, and happiness.
I left Emma, poorly, with an absess in her head, and Aunt Julianna, with a heavy cold and came back, and found them both, much more poorly. I sent for Levick right away. and Uncle Richard, sent for Doctor Pepper. I occupied the dignified position
of seting as Mother to Mag. the day
was rainy, and the roads terrible.
Mag, rode in a Buggy with the
Doctor. and I expected her elegant
Brocade Silk dress, and new
Bonnet, would have been ruined.
but I beleive they came out all right.<p-end>
<p-bgn>Shanie looks distressed, and is
not any more, nor as much reconciled
to it, than she was at first. but
Peggy, is all life, and happiness.<p-end>
<p-bgn>I left Emma, poorly, with
an absess in her head, and Aunt
Julianna, with a heavy cold
and came back, and found them
both, much more poorly. I sent
for Levick right away. and
Uncle Richard, sent for Doctor Pepper.
Shanie looks distressed, and is not any more, nor as much reconciled to it, than she was at first. but Peggy, is all life, and happiness.
I left Emma, poorly, with an absess in her head, and Aunt Julianna, with a heavy cold and came back, and found them both, much more poorly. I sent for Levick right away. and Uncle Richard, sent for Doctor Pepper. I occupied the dignified position
of seting as Mother to Mag. the day
was rainy, and the roads terrible.
Mag, rode in a Buggy with the
Doctor. and I expected her elegant
Brocade Silk dress, and new
Bonnet, would have been ruined.
but I beleive they came out all right.<p-end>
<p-bgn>Shanie looks distressed, and is
not any more, nor as much reconciled
to it, than she was at first. but
Peggy, is all life, and happiness.<p-end>
<p-bgn>I left Emma, poorly, with
an absess in her head, and Aunt
Julianna, with a heavy cold
and came back, and found them
both, much more poorly. I sent
for Levick right away. and
Uncle Richard, sent for Doctor Pepper.

Aunty has been realy ill, with
Numonia. but is better now, and
seting up some to day. but the
Doctor, will not allow any one
to go in her room but Uncle R__
Aunt Mary, and myself. he says
if she has a relaps, she might
be worse than ever. Aunt Mary
has been her constant nurse.
I could not leave Emma at night.
I donot think she is suffering
quite so much to day. Mary.
must write, and let me know
exactly when they are coming.
and all about it. give my love
to Patty Skinner, and tell her, I
hope she will join the party.
tell Chipy I received his very acceptable
letter. Grandpa, was quite amused.
kiss them all for me. There is a present
here for little Eddie from Uncle Ned, of
a knife and fork. farewell. your attached
Mother Aunty has been realy ill, with
Numonia. but is better now, and
seting up some to day. but the
Doctor, will not allow any one
to go in her room but Uncle R__
Aunt Mary, and myself. he says
if she has a relaps, she might
be worse than ever. Aunt Mary
has been her constant nurse.
I could not leave <und>Emma</und> at night.
I donot think she is suffering
quite so much to day. Mary.
must write, and let me know
exactly when they are coming.
and all about it. give my love
to Patty Skinner, and tell her, I
hope she will join the party.
tell Chipy I received his <und>very acceptable</und>
letter. Grandpa, was quite amused.
kiss them all for me. There is a present
here for little Eddie from Uncle Ned, of
a knife and fork. farewell. your attached<p-end>
Mother Aunty has been realy ill, with
Numonia. but is better now, and
seting up some to day. but the
Doctor, will not allow any one
to go in her room but Uncle R__
Aunt Mary, and myself. he says
if she has a relaps, she might
be worse than ever. Aunt Mary
has been her constant nurse.
I could not leave <und>Emma</und> at night.
I donot think she is suffering
quite so much to day. Mary.
must write, and let me know
exactly when they are coming.
and all about it. give my love
to Patty Skinner, and tell her, I
hope she will join the party.
tell Chipy I received his <und>very acceptable</und>
letter. Grandpa, was quite amused.
kiss them all for me. There is a present
here for little Eddie from Uncle Ned, of
a knife and fork. farewell. your attached<p-end>