Document set '199'
Transcript style:other pages

June the 1,, 1828
My kind Uncle
As you appear to be interested in
our business. I feel it my duty to inform you a
little about. their has been nothing done as yet:
Uriah Costell has been to talk with Mother several
times. he is quite willing to undertake it. provided
he can prevail on the creditors to give up all the
furniture and stock. he has talked with some
of them and they agree with his plan. he says
it will be much better for them. Uriah says
he has a secret hope their will be enough to pay
all debts. he will not undertake the business unless
he can beneft My dear suffering Mother. she
is not so well for a week past. indeed my dear
Uncle Last Sunday night I did not think she
would live till morning. the pain was so severe
Sister Susan nor I. never closed our eyes till.
4 oclock. neither did Mother. it was the most
trying I ever past. she has taken a heavy cold
she is still anxious to go to the sea shore.
the last of this Month we think of going.
June the 1,, 1828
My kind Uncle
<p-bgn>As you appear to be interested in
our business. I feel it my duty to inform you a
little about. their has been nothing done as yet:
Uriah Costell has been to talk with Mother several
times. he is quite willing to undertake it. provided
he can prevail on the creditors to give up all the
furniture and stock. he has talked with some
of them and they agree with his plan. he says
it will be much better for them. Uriah says
he has a secret hope their will be enough to pay
all debts. he will not undertake the business unless
he can beneft My dear suffering Mother. she
is not so well for a week past. indeed my dear
Uncle Last Sunday night I did not think she
would live till morning. the pain was so severe
Sister Susan nor I. never closed our eyes till.
4 oclock. neither did Mother. it was the most
trying I ever past. she has taken a heavy cold
she is still anxious to go to the sea shore.
the last of this Month we think of going.
My kind Uncle
<p-bgn>As you appear to be interested in
our business. I feel it my duty to inform you a
little about. their has been nothing done as yet:
Uriah Costell has been to talk with Mother several
times. he is quite willing to undertake it. provided
he can prevail on the creditors to give up all the
furniture and stock. he has talked with some
of them and they agree with his plan. he says
it will be much better for them. Uriah says
he has a secret hope their will be enough to pay
all debts. he will not undertake the business unless
he can beneft My dear suffering Mother. she
is not so well for a week past. indeed my dear
Uncle Last Sunday night I did not think she
would live till morning. the pain was so severe
Sister Susan nor I. never closed our eyes till.
4 oclock. neither did Mother. it was the most
trying I ever past. she has taken a heavy cold
she is still anxious to go to the sea shore.
the last of this Month we think of going.

The Doctor says it is the last resource.
her Friends all approve of it. we have heard
of many wonderfull cures that have been made
by going. Aunt Lydia missed her chill yesterday.
she is rather better to-day. the rest of our Friend's
are as well as usual. Mother desires her love to
all affectionately. I have not time to say
any more at this time. we hope to see you
before a great while. excuse a short letter.
from your grateful niece Mary The Doctor says it is the last resource.
her Friends all approve of it. we have heard
of many wonderfull cures that have been made
by going. Aunt Lydia missed her chill yesterday.
she is rather better to-day. the rest of our Friend's
are as well as usual. Mother desires her love to
all affectionately. I have not time to say
any more at this time. we hope to see you
before a great while. excuse a short letter.<p-end>
from your grateful niece
from your grateful niece Mary The Doctor says it is the last resource.
her Friends all approve of it. we have heard
of many wonderfull cures that have been made
by going. Aunt Lydia missed her chill yesterday.
she is rather better to-day. the rest of our Friend's
are as well as usual. Mother desires her love to
all affectionately. I have not time to say
any more at this time. we hope to see you
before a great while. excuse a short letter.<p-end>
from your grateful niece