Document set 'Letter from Rembrandt Peale to Henry Paul Beck, 1847 March 15'
Transcript style:other pages

Tues: Eveng.
Dr Sir
Altho' the Washington was ready
to be sent to New York, for the option of Mr.
Parker (not being an engagement), I was so much
pleased at your decision to possess it, & at the
same time desirous that the Portrait of
our National Father, and your father's
friend, should be found worthy of your
taste & patriotism, as well as my reputation,
that, as I intimated to you Yesterday, in
Case you took it, I should claim the privilege
of subjecting it to a more severe criticism
& revisal -- This has engaged my attention
this afternoon, & will be the order
of the day tomorrow -- with the full assurance
that its value as a work of Art & a likeness
will be much enhanced. But as the
additional paint will require a few days
of Sunshine to dry before it can be varnished,
I must request your indulgence to retain
it 'till sometime next week -- dependent
on the weather.
Meantime I would earnestly recommend you to choose a Frame, agreeing as I do Tues: Even<sup>g</sup>.
D<sup>r</sup> Sir
<p-bgn>Altho' the Washington was ready
to be sent to New York, for the <und>option</und> of M<sup>r</sup>.
Parker (not being an engagement), I was so much
pleased at your decision to possess it, & at the
same time desirous that the Portrait of
our National Father, and your father's
friend, should be found worthy of your
taste & patriotism, as well as my reputation,
that, as I intimated to you Yesterday, in
Case you took it, I should claim the privilege
of subjecting it to a more severe criticism
& revisal -- This has engaged my attention
this afternoon, & will be the order
of the day tomorrow -- with the full assurance
that its value as a work of Art & a likeness
will be much enhanced. But as the
additional paint will require a few days
of Sunshine to dry before it can be varnished,
I must request your indulgence to retain
it 'till sometime next week -- dependent
on the weather.<p-end>
<p-bgn>Meantime I would earnestly recommend
you to choose a Frame, agreeing as I do
Meantime I would earnestly recommend you to choose a Frame, agreeing as I do Tues: Even<sup>g</sup>.
D<sup>r</sup> Sir
<p-bgn>Altho' the Washington was ready
to be sent to New York, for the <und>option</und> of M<sup>r</sup>.
Parker (not being an engagement), I was so much
pleased at your decision to possess it, & at the
same time desirous that the Portrait of
our National Father, and your father's
friend, should be found worthy of your
taste & patriotism, as well as my reputation,
that, as I intimated to you Yesterday, in
Case you took it, I should claim the privilege
of subjecting it to a more severe criticism
& revisal -- This has engaged my attention
this afternoon, & will be the order
of the day tomorrow -- with the full assurance
that its value as a work of Art & a likeness
will be much enhanced. But as the
additional paint will require a few days
of Sunshine to dry before it can be varnished,
I must request your indulgence to retain
it 'till sometime next week -- dependent
on the weather.<p-end>
<p-bgn>Meantime I would earnestly recommend
you to choose a Frame, agreeing as I do

with Mr. Allston that "No Painting is a Picture
without a Frame". Let me also recommend
you to persist in your determination to have
it gilt in oil, without any burnished parts.
Permit me to thank you for your polite & prompt attention this morning -- And to state that in the enclosed Receipt I have noted a small error, which you can rectify at any time.
Respectfully Yours Rembrandt Peale. with M<sup>r</sup>. Allston that "No Painting is a Picture
without a Frame". Let me also recommend
you to persist in your determination to have
it gilt in <und>oil</und>, without any <und>burnished</und> parts.<p-end>
<p-bgn>Permit me to thank you for your polite
& prompt attention this morning -- And to
state that in the enclosed Receipt I have
noted a small error, which you can rectify
at any time.<p-end>
<und>Rembrandt Peale.</und>
Permit me to thank you for your polite & prompt attention this morning -- And to state that in the enclosed Receipt I have noted a small error, which you can rectify at any time.
Respectfully Yours Rembrandt Peale. with M<sup>r</sup>. Allston that "No Painting is a Picture
without a Frame". Let me also recommend
you to persist in your determination to have
it gilt in <und>oil</und>, without any <und>burnished</und> parts.<p-end>
<p-bgn>Permit me to thank you for your polite
& prompt attention this morning -- And to
state that in the enclosed Receipt I have
noted a small error, which you can rectify
at any time.<p-end>
<und>Rembrandt Peale.</und>