Document set 'Attested copy of a bill for the survey of Lincoln County, 1789 February 16'
Transcript style:other pages

Commonwealth of Massachusetts --
In Senate February 16th. 1789.
Resolved that the Committee for the sale of
eastern lands are hereby empowered & directed to
agree with some person or persons to survey
lay out and clear a road not more than three
rods wide through the lands of this Commonwealth
in the County of Lincoln conformably
to the report of a Committee appointed the
24th. of March last to consider the expediency
of laying out a road from Kennebeck to
Penobscot, provided the expence of surveying
marking out, and clearing said road does
not amount to more than forty five pounds,
the same to be paid in the lands belonging
to this Commonwealth lying in the County
of Lincoln.
Sent down for concurrence Samuel Phillips Jr. Presidt. Commonwealth of Massachusetts --
In Senate February 16<sup>th</sup>. 1789.
<p-bgn>Resolved that the Committee for the sale of
eastern lands are hereby empowered & directed to
agree with some person or persons to survey
lay out and clear a road not more than three
rods wide through the lands of this Commonwealth
in the County of Lincoln conformably
to the report of a Committee appointed the
24<sup>th</sup>. of March last to consider the expediency
of laying out a road from Kennebeck to
Penobscot, provided the expence of surveying
marking out, and clearing said road does
not amount to more than forty five pounds,
the same to be paid in the lands belonging
to this Commonwealth <add>lying</add> in the County
of Lincoln.<p-end>
Sent down for concurrence
<und>Samuel Phillips</und> J<sup>r</sup>. Presi<sup>dt</sup>.
Sent down for concurrence Samuel Phillips Jr. Presidt. Commonwealth of Massachusetts --
In Senate February 16<sup>th</sup>. 1789.
<p-bgn>Resolved that the Committee for the sale of
eastern lands are hereby empowered & directed to
agree with some person or persons to survey
lay out and clear a road not more than three
rods wide through the lands of this Commonwealth
in the County of Lincoln conformably
to the report of a Committee appointed the
24<sup>th</sup>. of March last to consider the expediency
of laying out a road from Kennebeck to
Penobscot, provided the expence of surveying
marking out, and clearing said road does
not amount to more than forty five pounds,
the same to be paid in the lands belonging
to this Commonwealth <add>lying</add> in the County
of Lincoln.<p-end>
Sent down for concurrence
<und>Samuel Phillips</und> J<sup>r</sup>. Presi<sup>dt</sup>.

In the House of Representatives Febry. 16th. 1789
Read and concurred
William Heath Speaker Pro. Tem
John Hancock
True Copy
Attest --
John Avery jun Secy
In the House of Representatives Feb<sup>ry</sup>. 16<sup>th</sup>. 1789
Read and concurred
William Heath Speaker Pro. Tem
<und>John Hancock</und>
True Copy
Attest --
John Avery jun Sec<sup>y</sup>
Read and concurred
William Heath Speaker Pro. Tem
<und>John Hancock</und>
True Copy
Attest --
John Avery jun Sec<sup>y</sup>