Document set 'Copy of an unsigned letter attributed to Reverend William J. Carver, about 1851'
Transcript style:other pages

Bro Jacob Norton, of y St andrews Lodge
Boston addressed a Letter to me stating tht himself &
several Bros of Mass: had petitioned your G L. to change
certain portions of your ceremonies in accordance with
y mode adopted by y G L of Eng. That y petition was referrd
to a committee whom they had to satisfy tht y portions complained
of are contrary to y spirit of Masonry as practised
under the English Jurisdiction. Bro Norton expressed a
wish to have an interview with me, as being your
Repres in y G L of Eng.
In reply to Bro N.'s letter I requested that he would let me have any Book or document in his possession for a perusal, tht I might be the better able to form an opinion upon the subject. In accordance with this request Bro Norton sent me a book entitled the "New Masonic Trestle Board adapted to y Work & Lectures as practised in y Lodges, Chapters &c in y U S of America
My attention has been confined to that portion of the Book which relates to Craft Masonry. In many minor points your Ritual differs from tht of y G L of Eng. but there are some of more importance, which are certainly M W S <note>Most Worthy Sir</note>
<p-bgn>Bro Jacob Norton, of y St andrews Lodge
Boston addressed a Letter to me stating tht himself &
several Bros of Mass: had petitioned your G L. to change
certain portions of your ceremonies in accordance with
y mode adopted by y G L of Eng. That y petition was referr<sup>d</sup>
to a committee whom they had to satisfy tht y portions complained
of are contrary to y spirit of Masonry as practised
under the English Jurisdiction. Bro Norton expressed a
wish to have an interview with me, as being your
Repres <note>Representative</note> in y G L of Eng.<p-end>
<p-bgn>In reply to Bro N.'s letter I requested that he
would let me have any Book or document in his possession
for a perusal, tht I might be the better able to form
an opinion upon the subject. In accordance with this request
Bro Norton sent me a book entitled the "New
Masonic Trestle Board adapted to y Work & Lectures as
practised in y Lodges, Chapters &c in y U S of America<p-end>
<p-bgn>My attention has been confined to that portion of
the Book which relates to Craft Masonry. In many minor
points your Ritual differs from tht of y G L of Eng. but
there are some of more importance, which are certainly
In reply to Bro N.'s letter I requested that he would let me have any Book or document in his possession for a perusal, tht I might be the better able to form an opinion upon the subject. In accordance with this request Bro Norton sent me a book entitled the "New Masonic Trestle Board adapted to y Work & Lectures as practised in y Lodges, Chapters &c in y U S of America
My attention has been confined to that portion of the Book which relates to Craft Masonry. In many minor points your Ritual differs from tht of y G L of Eng. but there are some of more importance, which are certainly M W S <note>Most Worthy Sir</note>
<p-bgn>Bro Jacob Norton, of y St andrews Lodge
Boston addressed a Letter to me stating tht himself &
several Bros of Mass: had petitioned your G L. to change
certain portions of your ceremonies in accordance with
y mode adopted by y G L of Eng. That y petition was referr<sup>d</sup>
to a committee whom they had to satisfy tht y portions complained
of are contrary to y spirit of Masonry as practised
under the English Jurisdiction. Bro Norton expressed a
wish to have an interview with me, as being your
Repres <note>Representative</note> in y G L of Eng.<p-end>
<p-bgn>In reply to Bro N.'s letter I requested that he
would let me have any Book or document in his possession
for a perusal, tht I might be the better able to form
an opinion upon the subject. In accordance with this request
Bro Norton sent me a book entitled the "New
Masonic Trestle Board adapted to y Work & Lectures as
practised in y Lodges, Chapters &c in y U S of America<p-end>
<p-bgn>My attention has been confined to that portion of
the Book which relates to Craft Masonry. In many minor
points your Ritual differs from tht of y G L of Eng. but
there are some of more importance, which are certainly

not used in England, and which I concieve to be contrary to
T Spirit of My[?], which is meant to admit within its folds
all who profess a belief in y G. A of the U. I would particularly
draw attention to y "Prayer at opening a Lo" p 92
the concluding sentence "these things, &c" is exclusive not
universal; no conscientious Jew or Mahommedan could
use such a form, at p 58, the words used by y Grd
Chapter: in dedicating a Lo. "To the memory of Holy
St John", &ct are open to the same objection
not used in England, and which I concieve to be contrary to
<unclear>T Spirit of My</unclear>, which is meant to admit within its folds
all who profess a belief in y G. A of the U. I would particularly
draw attention to y "Prayer at opening a Lo" p 92
the concluding sentence "these things, &c" is exclusive not
universal; no conscientious Jew or Mahommedan could
use such a form, at p 58, the words used by y G<sup>rd</sup>
Chapter: in dedicating a Lo. "To the memory of Holy
St John", &c<sup>t</sup> are open to the same objection
<unclear>T Spirit of My</unclear>, which is meant to admit within its folds
all who profess a belief in y G. A of the U. I would particularly
draw attention to y "Prayer at opening a Lo" p 92
the concluding sentence "these things, &c" is exclusive not
universal; no conscientious Jew or Mahommedan could
use such a form, at p 58, the words used by y G<sup>rd</sup>
Chapter: in dedicating a Lo. "To the memory of Holy
St John", &c<sup>t</sup> are open to the same objection