Document set 'Letter from William P. Mellen to Jacob Norton, 1856 May 29'
Transcript style:other pages

Natchez, 29 May 1856
Dr. Bro. Norton
Your fav. of 19. is at hand. I do
not wonder that hostility and persecution, ( of you will
permit to say, of an unchristian character,) should produce
the natural result, of hostility, if not hatred
on the other hand -- but we must hope for better
things in time to come, and we must all labor
to bring about, with the air of true masonry[?], a better
state of feeling. We have set the ball in
motion and it must go on. You will see by
my June No., that the "Ashlar" has come to the
rescue, in an excellent article in the "Universality
of Masonry."
I wish to publish what you say about Br. Fardell (or Fandell? which,) but was afraid I might compromise him with Br. Oliver -- and have held up for your permission.
Please receive my congratulations in your safe return. I have attended to your request about missing numbers --
Yours truly[?] & fraternally Wm P. Mellen Jacob Norton Esq Boston Mass Natchez, 29 May 1856
Dr. Bro. Norton
<p-bgn>Your fav. of 19<sup>.</sup> is at hand. I do
not wonder that hostility and persecution, ( <del>of</del> you will
permit to say, of an <und>unchristian</und> character,) should produce
the natural result, of hostility, if not hatred
on the other hand -- but we must hope for better
things in time to come, and <und>we</und> must all labor
to bring about, with the air of <unclear>true masonry</unclear>, a better
state of feeling. We have set the ball in
motion and it must go on. You will see by
my June No., that the "Ashlar" has come to the
rescue, in an excellent article in the "Universality
of Masonry."<p-end>
<p-bgn>I wish to publish what you say about Br. Fardell
(or Fandell? which,) but was afraid I might compromise
him with Br. Oliver -- and have held up for
your permission.<p-end>
<p-bgn>Please receive my congratulations in your safe
return. I have attended to your request about
missing numbers --<p-end>
<unclear>Yours truly</unclear> & fraternally
W<sup>m</sup> P. Mellen
Jacob Norton Esq
I wish to publish what you say about Br. Fardell (or Fandell? which,) but was afraid I might compromise him with Br. Oliver -- and have held up for your permission.
Please receive my congratulations in your safe return. I have attended to your request about missing numbers --
Yours truly[?] & fraternally Wm P. Mellen Jacob Norton Esq Boston Mass Natchez, 29 May 1856
Dr. Bro. Norton
<p-bgn>Your fav. of 19<sup>.</sup> is at hand. I do
not wonder that hostility and persecution, ( <del>of</del> you will
permit to say, of an <und>unchristian</und> character,) should produce
the natural result, of hostility, if not hatred
on the other hand -- but we must hope for better
things in time to come, and <und>we</und> must all labor
to bring about, with the air of <unclear>true masonry</unclear>, a better
state of feeling. We have set the ball in
motion and it must go on. You will see by
my June No., that the "Ashlar" has come to the
rescue, in an excellent article in the "Universality
of Masonry."<p-end>
<p-bgn>I wish to publish what you say about Br. Fardell
(or Fandell? which,) but was afraid I might compromise
him with Br. Oliver -- and have held up for
your permission.<p-end>
<p-bgn>Please receive my congratulations in your safe
return. I have attended to your request about
missing numbers --<p-end>
<unclear>Yours truly</unclear> & fraternally
W<sup>m</sup> P. Mellen
Jacob Norton Esq