Document set 'Letter from Rob Morris to Jacob Norton, 1867 February 26'
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P.O. Box 2923
Chicago Ills Feb 26 1867
Jacob Norton Sr
Boston Ms
Sir and Dear Brother
Your letter of Feb 22 is of interest.
For 20 years I have opposed all clans, cliques
and sectaries in Freemasonry. I have taught my
pupils to omit Christian allusions to in lodge
prayers. I am no new man just sprung
up to teach masonry before learning it but
have published more than 70 volumes upon
Freemasonry of which I have written quite one
What such men as C. W. Moore teach or say amounts to nothing with me: I study the ancient landmarks for myself and teach accordingly. It is not in a hasty article in the Mas. Monthly you must look for my opinion but in all my writings. They all bear testimony to the Universality of masonry.
Brethern of the Jewish persuasion must learn more of the catholic spirit of masonry. Is thereis a Jewish Society in the world into
which other people may affiliate? I never
heard of one. This is what hurts your race
P.O. Box 2923
Chicago Ills Feb 26 1867
Jacob Norton Sr
Boston Ms
Sir and Dear Brother
<p-bgn>Your letter of Feb 22 is of interest.
For 20 years I have opposed all clans, cliques
and sectaries in Freemasonry. I have taught my
pupils to omit Christian allusions <del>to</del> in lodge
prayers. I am no new man just sprung
up to teach masonry before learning it but
have published more than 70 volumes upon
Freemasonry of which I have written quite one
<p-bgn>What such men as C. W. Moore teach
or say amounts to nothing with me: I study
the ancient landmarks for myself and teach
accordingly. It is not in a hasty article
in the Mas. Monthly you must look for my
opinion but in all my writings. They all
bear testimony to the Universality of masonry.<p-end>
<p-bgn>Brethern of the Jewish persuasion must
learn more of the catholic spirit of masonry.
Is there <del>is</del> a Jewish Society in the world into
which other people may affiliate? I never
heard of one. This is what hurts your race
What such men as C. W. Moore teach or say amounts to nothing with me: I study the ancient landmarks for myself and teach accordingly. It is not in a hasty article in the Mas. Monthly you must look for my opinion but in all my writings. They all bear testimony to the Universality of masonry.
Brethern of the Jewish persuasion must learn more of the catholic spirit of masonry. Is there
Chicago Ills Feb 26 1867
Jacob Norton Sr
Boston Ms
Sir and Dear Brother
<p-bgn>Your letter of Feb 22 is of interest.
For 20 years I have opposed all clans, cliques
and sectaries in Freemasonry. I have taught my
pupils to omit Christian allusions <del>to</del> in lodge
prayers. I am no new man just sprung
up to teach masonry before learning it but
have published more than 70 volumes upon
Freemasonry of which I have written quite one
<p-bgn>What such men as C. W. Moore teach
or say amounts to nothing with me: I study
the ancient landmarks for myself and teach
accordingly. It is not in a hasty article
in the Mas. Monthly you must look for my
opinion but in all my writings. They all
bear testimony to the Universality of masonry.<p-end>
<p-bgn>Brethern of the Jewish persuasion must
learn more of the catholic spirit of masonry.
Is there <del>is</del> a Jewish Society in the world into
which other people may affiliate? I never
heard of one. This is what hurts your race