Document set 'Invitation from President Ulysses S. Grant to Thomas Murphy, 1873 February 10'
Transcript style:other pages

Washington D. C. Feby. 10th 1873.
Dear Sir:
Mrs. Grant and I
will be pleased if we can
have the company of Mrs.
Murphy, Miss Murphy, your
son and yourself to dine
socially with us at 6 O'Clock
to-morrow afternoon.
Yours &c. U. S. Grant Hon. Thos. Murphy Washington D. C. Feb<sup>y</sup>. 10<sup>th</sup> 1873.
Dear Sir:
<p-bgn>Mrs. Grant and I
will be pleased if we can
have the company of Mrs.
Murphy, Miss Murphy, your
son and yourself to dine
socially with us at 6 O'Clock
to-morrow afternoon.<p-end>
Yours &c.
U. S. Grant
Hon. Thos. Murphy
Yours &c. U. S. Grant Hon. Thos. Murphy Washington D. C. Feb<sup>y</sup>. 10<sup>th</sup> 1873.
Dear Sir:
<p-bgn>Mrs. Grant and I
will be pleased if we can
have the company of Mrs.
Murphy, Miss Murphy, your
son and yourself to dine
socially with us at 6 O'Clock
to-morrow afternoon.<p-end>
Yours &c.
U. S. Grant
Hon. Thos. Murphy