Document set 'Letter from President Andrew Johnson to Reverend W. B. Sprague, 1866 March 20'
Transcript style:other pages

Washington, Mch. 20th., 1866
Revd. W. B. Sprague, D. D.,
Albany, New York.
I take great pleasure in
complying with your
request for an autograph.
I have the honor to be, Very respectfully, Your servant,
Andrew Johnson Washington, Mch. 20<sup>th</sup>., 1866
Rev<sup>d</sup>. W. B. Sprague, D. D.,
Albany, New York.
<p-bgn>I take great pleasure in
complying with your
request for an autograph.<p-end>
<p-bgn>I have the honor to be,
Very respectfully,
Your servant,<p-end>
<und>Andrew Johnson</und>
I have the honor to be, Very respectfully, Your servant,
Andrew Johnson Washington, Mch. 20<sup>th</sup>., 1866
Rev<sup>d</sup>. W. B. Sprague, D. D.,
Albany, New York.
<p-bgn>I take great pleasure in
complying with your
request for an autograph.<p-end>
<p-bgn>I have the honor to be,
Very respectfully,
Your servant,<p-end>
<und>Andrew Johnson</und>