Document set 'Letter from President James Buchanan to Joseph M. Wilson, 1860 February 11'
Transcript style:other pages

Washington 11th. February 1860.
My dear Sir /
Many thanks for
your the second volume of your
"Presbyterian Historical Almanac"!
Sincerely wishing you the success
which the work so well deserves,
I remain yours very respectfully
James Buchanan Joseph M Wilson Esquire Washington 11<sup>th</sup>. February 1860.
My dear Sir /
<p-bgn>Many thanks for
<del>your</del> <add>the</add> second volume of your
"Presbyterian Historical Almanac"!
Sincerely wishing you the success
which the work so well deserves,
I remain yours very respectfully<p-end>
James Buchanan
Joseph M Wilson Esquire
James Buchanan Joseph M Wilson Esquire Washington 11<sup>th</sup>. February 1860.
My dear Sir /
<p-bgn>Many thanks for
<del>your</del> <add>the</add> second volume of your
"Presbyterian Historical Almanac"!
Sincerely wishing you the success
which the work so well deserves,
I remain yours very respectfully<p-end>
James Buchanan
Joseph M Wilson Esquire