Document set 'Letter of introduction for a former schoolmate, 1853 October 13'
Transcript style:other pages

Oct. 13. 1853
Dr Sir --
Allow me to
introduce to you Mr
Giles Thomas Crockett
?[?] -- Mr C. was a
school mate in my early
years --
yrs Ty Fr. Pierce Washington
O<sup>ct</sup>. 13. 1853
Dr Sir --
<p-bgn>Allow me to
introduce to you Mr
Giles Thomas Crockett
<unclear>?</unclear> -- Mr C. was a
school mate in my early
years --<p-end>
yrs T<sup>y</sup>
Fr. Pierce
yrs Ty Fr. Pierce Washington
O<sup>ct</sup>. 13. 1853
Dr Sir --
<p-bgn>Allow me to
introduce to you Mr
Giles Thomas Crockett
<unclear>?</unclear> -- Mr C. was a
school mate in my early
years --<p-end>
yrs T<sup>y</sup>
Fr. Pierce