Document set 'Letter from President James K. Polk to Minister George Bancroft, 1847 June 19'
Transcript style:other pages

Washington City June 19th. 1847:
My Dear Sir;
I take pleasure in presenting to
you Mr. Sharp & his brother, two highly respectable
young gentlemen of Kentucky, -- who are on their
way to Europe & will probably spend a few
days in London. -- I commend them to your
kind attention, -- and am sure you will take
pleasure in extending to them any civilities in
your power: --
With my respectful regards to Mrs. Bancroft
I am Very faithfully Your friend James K Polk To The Hon. George Bancroft } U. S. Minister } London } Washington City June 19<sup>th</sup>. 1847:
My Dear Sir;
<p-bgn>I take pleasure in presenting to
you <und>Mr. Sharp</und> & his brother, two highly respectable
young gentlemen of Kentucky, -- who are on their
way to Europe & will probably spend a few
days in London. -- I commend them to your
kind attention, -- and am sure you will take
pleasure in extending to them any civilities in
your power: --<p-end>
<p-bgn>With my respectful regards to Mrs. Bancroft<p-end>
I am Very faithfully
Your friend
<und>James K Polk</und>
To The Hon. George Bancroft }
U. S. Minister }
<und>London</und> }
With my respectful regards to Mrs. Bancroft
I am Very faithfully Your friend James K Polk To The Hon. George Bancroft } U. S. Minister } London } Washington City June 19<sup>th</sup>. 1847:
My Dear Sir;
<p-bgn>I take pleasure in presenting to
you <und>Mr. Sharp</und> & his brother, two highly respectable
young gentlemen of Kentucky, -- who are on their
way to Europe & will probably spend a few
days in London. -- I commend them to your
kind attention, -- and am sure you will take
pleasure in extending to them any civilities in
your power: --<p-end>
<p-bgn>With my respectful regards to Mrs. Bancroft<p-end>
I am Very faithfully
Your friend
<und>James K Polk</und>
To The Hon. George Bancroft }
U. S. Minister }
<und>London</und> }