Document set 'Letter from Francis Scott Key to John H. Sherbourne, 1838 July 11'
Transcript style:other pages

Washington 11th July 1838
I herewith enclose you a copy of a letter
from the Solr. of the Treasy. in relation to
a judgment recovered in this court at March[?]
Term 1837, against the sureties of John P.
Decatur, in which the Solicitor requests me
to ascertain from you what arrangement
you propose making for the payment of the
residue of the debt with interest, the sum
of $2000. having been paid by three of your
I shall be happy to hear from you on the subject as soon as your convenience will allow.
I am Sir yr mo obt svt. Fr. S. Key U.S. Dist. Atty. John H. Sherbourne Esqr. Washington. Washington 11<sup>th</sup> July 1838
<p-bgn>I herewith enclose you a copy of a letter
from the Sol<sup>r</sup>. of the Treas<sup>y</sup>. in relation to
a judgment recovered in this court at <unclear>March</unclear>
Term 1837, against the sureties of John P.
Decatur, in which the Solicitor requests me
to ascertain from you what arrangement
you propose making for the payment of the
residue of the debt with interest, the sum
of $2000. having been paid by three of your
<p-bgn>I shall be happy to hear from you
on the subject as soon as your convenience
will allow.<p-end>
<p-bgn>I am Sir
yr mo obt sv<sup>t</sup>.
F<sup>r</sup>. S. Key
<und>U.</und>S. Dis<sup>t</sup>. Att<sup>y</sup>.
John H. Sherbourne Esq<sup>r</sup>.
I shall be happy to hear from you on the subject as soon as your convenience will allow.
I am Sir yr mo obt svt. Fr. S. Key U.S. Dist. Atty. John H. Sherbourne Esqr. Washington. Washington 11<sup>th</sup> July 1838
<p-bgn>I herewith enclose you a copy of a letter
from the Sol<sup>r</sup>. of the Treas<sup>y</sup>. in relation to
a judgment recovered in this court at <unclear>March</unclear>
Term 1837, against the sureties of John P.
Decatur, in which the Solicitor requests me
to ascertain from you what arrangement
you propose making for the payment of the
residue of the debt with interest, the sum
of $2000. having been paid by three of your
<p-bgn>I shall be happy to hear from you
on the subject as soon as your convenience
will allow.<p-end>
<p-bgn>I am Sir
yr mo obt sv<sup>t</sup>.
F<sup>r</sup>. S. Key
<und>U.</und>S. Dis<sup>t</sup>. Att<sup>y</sup>.
John H. Sherbourne Esq<sup>r</sup>.