Document set 'Letter of reference for Mr. Janes, 1829 March 12'
Transcript style:other pages

Washington City March 12th. 1829
Dear Sir,
This will be presented to you by Mr Janes
a young gentleman of Va. who, as I am informed,
has lately been under the instruction of Chancellor
Tucker in the study of Law, and is desirous of
prosecuting the practice of it in your state.
without any personal knowledge of Mr Janes,
I rely upon the high recommendation which he
has exhibited to me, in asking for him your
good offices.
I avail myself of this occasion to renew to you the assurance ofmy the regard & friendship with
which I continue, Dear Sir,
Yr. obt servant.
Andrew Jackson
Washington City March 12<sup>th</sup>. 1829
Dear Sir,
<p-bgn>This will be presented to you by M<sup>r</sup> Janes
a young gentleman of V<sup>a</sup>. who, as I am informed,
has lately been under the instruction of Chancellor
Tucker in the study of Law, and is desirous of
prosecuting the practice of it in your state.
without any personal knowledge of M<sup>r</sup> Janes,
I rely upon the high recommendation which he
has exhibited to me, in asking for him your
good offices.<p-end>
<p-bgn>I avail myself of this occasion to renew
to you the assurance of <del>my</del> <add>the</add> regard & friendship with
which I continue, Dear Sir,
Y<sup>r</sup>. obt servan<sup>t</sup>.
<und>Andrew Jackson</und>
I avail myself of this occasion to renew to you the assurance of
Dear Sir,
<p-bgn>This will be presented to you by M<sup>r</sup> Janes
a young gentleman of V<sup>a</sup>. who, as I am informed,
has lately been under the instruction of Chancellor
Tucker in the study of Law, and is desirous of
prosecuting the practice of it in your state.
without any personal knowledge of M<sup>r</sup> Janes,
I rely upon the high recommendation which he
has exhibited to me, in asking for him your
good offices.<p-end>
<p-bgn>I avail myself of this occasion to renew
to you the assurance of <del>my</del> <add>the</add> regard & friendship with
which I continue, Dear Sir,
Y<sup>r</sup>. obt servan<sup>t</sup>.
<und>Andrew Jackson</und>