Document set 'Letter from President James Monroe, 1818 August 19'


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Highland near Milton Virga. Augt 19. 1818. Dear Sir      Since writing to you yesterday, I have receivd a letter thro' the dept. of war, at Washington, from Mr. J. S. Mitchell, who is I presume connected with major willcox, requesting a warrant for his son Alford. I fear that it will be impracticable, on a principle which ought to be respected, to grant a warrant to both the young men, especially as N. York, has more than her just proportion. To discriminate between the two youths, would be too delicate & painful an office, for the old gentleman himself. I give you this information, in expectation, that you will recive this letter, in time, to enable you to decide, & take such part in the case, as your knowledge of the circumstances of the parties & views of the Major, may suggest.
     with sincere regard yours James Monroe
     PS. I observe that Mr Ellis is much younger than Willcox, which I mention, on the presumption that if the latter was accomodated now, the other might be hereafter.
Highland near Milton Virg<sup>a</sup>.
Aug<sup>t</sup> 19. 1818.
Dear Sir
<p-bgn>Since writing to you yesterday, I have
receivd a letter thro' the dep<sup>t</sup>. of war, at Washington,
from M<sup>r</sup>. J. S. Mitchell, who is I presume
connected with major willcox, requesting a
warrant for his son Alford. I fear that it
will be impracticable, on a principle which
ought to be respected, to grant a warrant to
both the young men, especially as N. York,
has more than her just proportion. To
discriminate between the two youths, would
be too delicate & painful an office, for the
old gentleman himself. I give you this information,
in expectation, that you will
recive this letter, in time, to enable you to
decide, & take such part in the case, as your
knowledge of the circumstances of the parties
& views of the Major, may suggest.<p-end>
<p-bgn>with sincere regard yours
James Monroe<p-end>
<p-bgn>PS. I observe that M<sup>r</sup> Ellis
is much younger than Willcox, which I mention,
on the presumption that if the latter was accomodated now,
the other might be hereafter.<p-end>