Document set 'Note from Thomas Jefferson to John Barnes, 1803 January 23'
Transcript style:other pages

Mr. Barnes
Washington Jan. 23. 1803.
Pay to the driver who carried mrs Randolph and
mrs Eppes to Virginia twelve dollars for value received on
account of
Your humble servt Th: Jefferson 12. D. Recd. payt. Jos Dougherty Mr. John Barnes GeorgetownM<sup>r</sup>. Barnes
Washington Jan. 23. 1803.
<p-bgn>Pay to the driver who carried mrs <note>suspension mark</note> Randolph and
mrs <note>suspensionmark</note> Eppes to Virginia twelve dollars for value received on
account of<p-end>
Your humble serv<sup>t</sup>
Th: Jefferson
12. D. Rec<sup>d</sup>. pay<sup>t</sup>. Jo<sup>s</sup> Dougherty
Mr. John Barnes
Your humble servt Th: Jefferson 12. D. Recd. payt. Jos Dougherty Mr. John Barnes GeorgetownM<sup>r</sup>. Barnes
Washington Jan. 23. 1803.
<p-bgn>Pay to the driver who carried mrs <note>suspension mark</note> Randolph and
mrs <note>suspensionmark</note> Eppes to Virginia twelve dollars for value received on
account of<p-end>
Your humble serv<sup>t</sup>
Th: Jefferson
12. D. Rec<sup>d</sup>. pay<sup>t</sup>. Jo<sup>s</sup> Dougherty
Mr. John Barnes

Coaches Driver to
Monticello 23 Jany.
1803 -- D 12 -- --
Coaches Driver to
Monticello 23 Jan<sup>y</sup>.
1803 -- D 12 -- --
Monticello 23 Jan<sup>y</sup>.
1803 -- D 12 -- --