Document set 'Letter from Robert Morris to James Constable, 1793 November 7'
Transcript style:other pages

Delaware Works 7 Novr. 1793.
dear Sir.
Mr Cottringer informs me that he left with
you when at your place a note of Danl Ludlow & Co.
for $8000 with a Request that you would get the
same discounted -- If this has been done be pleased
to pay the proceeds to Mr. Robt C. Livingston, if it
has not, then I must request you to deliver the
note to him, in either Case taking his Receipt
for the Same, and forwarding it to me. --
I Remain Sir Your obedthb St[?] Robt Morris Mr James Constable New York -- Delaware Works 7 Nov<sup>r</sup>. 1793.
dear Sir.
<p-bgn>M<sup>r</sup> Cottringer informs me that he left with
you when at your place a note of Dan<sup>l</sup> Ludlow & Co.
for $8000 with a Request that you would get the
same discounted -- If this has been done be pleased
to pay the proceeds to M<sup>r</sup>. Rob<sup>t</sup> C. Livingston, if it
has not, then I must request you to deliver the
note to him, in either Case taking his Receipt
for the Same, and forwarding it to me. --<p-end>
I Remain Sir Your <unclear>obedthb S<sup>t</sup></unclear>
Rob<sup>t</sup> Morris
M<sup>r</sup> James Constable
New York --
I Remain Sir Your obedthb St[?] Robt Morris Mr James Constable New York -- Delaware Works 7 Nov<sup>r</sup>. 1793.
dear Sir.
<p-bgn>M<sup>r</sup> Cottringer informs me that he left with
you when at your place a note of Dan<sup>l</sup> Ludlow & Co.
for $8000 with a Request that you would get the
same discounted -- If this has been done be pleased
to pay the proceeds to M<sup>r</sup>. Rob<sup>t</sup> C. Livingston, if it
has not, then I must request you to deliver the
note to him, in either Case taking his Receipt
for the Same, and forwarding it to me. --<p-end>
I Remain Sir Your <unclear>obedthb S<sup>t</sup></unclear>
Rob<sup>t</sup> Morris
M<sup>r</sup> James Constable
New York --