Document set 'Order from William Penn to the Surveyor General, 1684 February 15'
Transcript style:other pages

William Penn Propietary & Govern. of ye Provines of
Pennsilvania and ye Territories thereunto belonging
At[?]ye Request of Jonas Arskin, yr[?]I would[?] grant him to take up Two hundred Acres of Land about Christina Creek in ye County of New Castle. These[?] are to will & recgnize[?] thee for these to[?]survey or cause to be survey'd unto him ye sd. Number of Acres in ye aforementiond County & Place[?] where note already taken up according to ye method of ?rships[?] appointed by me & make returns thereof into[?] my Secretarys Office. Given at New Castle, ye 15th. of ye 2d month, 1684
WM PENN For William Welch[?] Surveyr Gr[?] for ye Town & County of New Castle <p-bgn>William Penn Propietary & Govern. of ye Provines of
Pennsilvania and y<sup>e</sup> Territories thereunto belonging<p-end>
<p-bgn><unclear>At</unclear>y<sup>e</sup> Request of Jonas Arskin, <unclear>yr</unclear><note>scribal suspension?</note><unclear>I would</unclear> grant him
to take up Two hundred Acres of Land about Christina
Creek in y<sup>e</sup> County of New Castle. <unclear>These</unclear> are to <unclear>will & recgnize</unclear>
thee <unclear>for these to</unclear>survey or cause to be survey'd unto him y<sup>e</sup>
s<sup>d.</sup> Number of Acres in y<sup>e</sup> aforemention<sup>d</sup> County & <unclear>Place</unclear>
where note already taken up according to y<sup>e</sup> method of
<unclear>?rships</unclear> appointed by me & make returns thereof <unclear>into</unclear>
my Secretarys Office. Given at New Castle, y<sup>e</sup> 15<sup>th</sup>.
of y<sup>e</sup> 2<sup>d</sup> month, <und>1684</und><p-end>
<und>WM PENN</und>
For William <unclear>Welch</unclear>
<unclear>Survey<sup>r</sup> Gr</unclear> for y<sup>e</sup> Town
& County of New Castle
At[?]ye Request of Jonas Arskin, yr[?]I would[?] grant him to take up Two hundred Acres of Land about Christina Creek in ye County of New Castle. These[?] are to will & recgnize[?] thee for these to[?]survey or cause to be survey'd unto him ye sd. Number of Acres in ye aforementiond County & Place[?] where note already taken up according to ye method of ?rships[?] appointed by me & make returns thereof into[?] my Secretarys Office. Given at New Castle, ye 15th. of ye 2d month, 1684
WM PENN For William Welch[?] Surveyr Gr[?] for ye Town & County of New Castle <p-bgn>William Penn Propietary & Govern. of ye Provines of
Pennsilvania and y<sup>e</sup> Territories thereunto belonging<p-end>
<p-bgn><unclear>At</unclear>y<sup>e</sup> Request of Jonas Arskin, <unclear>yr</unclear><note>scribal suspension?</note><unclear>I would</unclear> grant him
to take up Two hundred Acres of Land about Christina
Creek in y<sup>e</sup> County of New Castle. <unclear>These</unclear> are to <unclear>will & recgnize</unclear>
thee <unclear>for these to</unclear>survey or cause to be survey'd unto him y<sup>e</sup>
s<sup>d.</sup> Number of Acres in y<sup>e</sup> aforemention<sup>d</sup> County & <unclear>Place</unclear>
where note already taken up according to y<sup>e</sup> method of
<unclear>?rships</unclear> appointed by me & make returns thereof <unclear>into</unclear>
my Secretarys Office. Given at New Castle, y<sup>e</sup> 15<sup>th</sup>.
of y<sup>e</sup> 2<sup>d</sup> month, <und>1684</und><p-end>
<und>WM PENN</und>
For William <unclear>Welch</unclear>
<unclear>Survey<sup>r</sup> Gr</unclear> for y<sup>e</sup> Town
& County of New Castle