Document set 'Letter from George Washington to James McHenry, 1792 October 3'
Transcript style:other pages

Mount Vernon Octr. 3d --92
Dear Sir,
If this letter shall have
reached your hands before that which
I addressed to Mr. Robt. Smith under cover[?] to you has passed
from them, I pray you to retain it until
you see me, which will I expect be about the
middle of next week on my return to
Philadelphia (if I am not detained longer by
the Convalescent State of two of my Servants)
or, if that should happen, 'till
you hear further from
Dr Sir Yr. obed. & affect: Hble Servant Go: Washington James McHenry Esqr. Mount Vernon Oct<sup>r</sup>. 3<sup>d</sup> --92
Dear Sir,
<p-bgn>If this letter shall have
reached your hands before that which
I addressed to M<sup>r</sup>. Rob<sup>t</sup>. Smith <add><unclear>under cover</unclear> to you</add> has passed
from them, I pray you to retain it until
you see me, which will <add>I expect </add>be about the
middle of next week on my return to
Philadelphia (if <add>I am</add> not detained <del>longer</del> by
the Convalescent State of two of my Servants)
or, if that should happen, 'till
you hear further from<p-end>
D<sup>r</sup> Sir
Y<sup>r</sup>. obed. & affect:
H<sup>ble</sup> Servant
G<sup>o</sup>: Washington
James M<sup>c</sup>Henry Esq<sup>r</sup>.
Dr Sir Yr. obed. & affect: Hble Servant Go: Washington James McHenry Esqr. Mount Vernon Oct<sup>r</sup>. 3<sup>d</sup> --92
Dear Sir,
<p-bgn>If this letter shall have
reached your hands before that which
I addressed to M<sup>r</sup>. Rob<sup>t</sup>. Smith <add><unclear>under cover</unclear> to you</add> has passed
from them, I pray you to retain it until
you see me, which will <add>I expect </add>be about the
middle of next week on my return to
Philadelphia (if <add>I am</add> not detained <del>longer</del> by
the Convalescent State of two of my Servants)
or, if that should happen, 'till
you hear further from<p-end>
D<sup>r</sup> Sir
Y<sup>r</sup>. obed. & affect:
H<sup>ble</sup> Servant
G<sup>o</sup>: Washington
James M<sup>c</sup>Henry Esq<sup>r</sup>.

James McHenry Esq
3d. Octr. 1792
James M<sup>c</sup>Henry Esq
3<sup>d</sup>. Oct<sup>r</sup>. 1792
3<sup>d</sup>. Oct<sup>r</sup>. 1792