Document set 'Letter from Morris Fishel to Armand P. Pfister, 1846 June 13'
Transcript style:other pages

Dayton Ala June 13th 1846
Dear Sir & Comp.
I take the liberty, and
address those lines to you, in regard to a
certificate or diploma, that I wish to obtain
from your Councill of a withdrawal, as I
wish to go the last of this Month to the North
I am wery [sic] unhealthy this Somer[sic], and have been
advised by my friends not to remain in the South
you will please send me the above by Mail
as soon as convinient, also let me know my
accept dear Sir my best respect and warmest wishes., I remain with fraternall regard
Your friend & C Morris Fisher + A P Pfister Esqr { Dayton Ala June 13<sup>th</sup> 1846
Dear Sir & Comp.
<p-bgn>I take the liberty, and
address those lines to you, in regard to a
certificate or diploma, that I wish to obtain
from your Councill of a withdrawal, as I
wish to go the last of this Month to the North
I am <sic>wery </sic> unhealthy this <sic>Somer</sic>, and have been
advised by my friends not to remain in the South
you will please send me the above by Mail
as soon as convinient, also let me know my
<p-bgn>accept dear Sir my best respect and warmest
wishes., I remain with fraternall regard<p-end>
Your friend & C
Morris Fisher + <note>mark</note>
A P Pfister Esqr {
accept dear Sir my best respect and warmest wishes., I remain with fraternall regard
Your friend & C Morris Fisher + A P Pfister Esqr { Dayton Ala June 13<sup>th</sup> 1846
Dear Sir & Comp.
<p-bgn>I take the liberty, and
address those lines to you, in regard to a
certificate or diploma, that I wish to obtain
from your Councill of a withdrawal, as I
wish to go the last of this Month to the North
I am <sic>wery </sic> unhealthy this <sic>Somer</sic>, and have been
advised by my friends not to remain in the South
you will please send me the above by Mail
as soon as convinient, also let me know my
<p-bgn>accept dear Sir my best respect and warmest
wishes., I remain with fraternall regard<p-end>
Your friend & C
Morris Fisher + <note>mark</note>
A P Pfister Esqr {