Document set 'Letter from William Kerr to Armand P. Pfister, 1845 March 13'
Transcript style:other pages

Greensboro March 13th 1845
Companion Pfister
We are very anxious to have
a grand celebration here on the 24th day of
June next -- by instalation of the officers of the
Chapter &c -- and we wish you to give us an
idea of the cost of the regalia that will be necessary
for us to have -- and when it can be
procured and any other information that may
be of Service to us -- Your immediate attention
will confer a great favor on
Yours Fraternally Wm Kerr Greensboro March 13<sup>th</sup> 1845
Companion Pfister
<p-bgn>We are very anxious to have
a <und>grand celebration</und> here on the 24<sup>th</sup> day of
June next -- by instalation of the officers of the
Chapter &c -- and we wish you to give us an
idea of the cost of the regalia that will be necessary
for us to have -- and when it can be
procured and any other information that may
be of Service to us -- Your immediate attention
will confer a great favor on<p-end> Yours
W<sup>m</sup> Kerr
Yours Fraternally Wm Kerr Greensboro March 13<sup>th</sup> 1845
Companion Pfister
<p-bgn>We are very anxious to have
a <und>grand celebration</und> here on the 24<sup>th</sup> day of
June next -- by instalation of the officers of the
Chapter &c -- and we wish you to give us an
idea of the cost of the regalia that will be necessary
for us to have -- and when it can be
procured and any other information that may
be of Service to us -- Your immediate attention
will confer a great favor on<p-end> Yours
W<sup>m</sup> Kerr

Mr Armand P. Pfister
Mr Armand P. Pfister

Wm. Kerr
W<sup>m</sup>. Kerr
W<sup>m</sup>. Kerr