Document set 'Letter from Robert H. Dalton to Armand P. Pfister, 1843 November 18'
Transcript style:other pages

Livingston, Ala, Nov: 18th 1843.
Dear Sir.
Owing to negligence on the part of a
companion, who had promised to procure a Seal
for the use of our Chapter, we are yet without one;
and consequently we are not acting in conformity
to the requisition of the G. Chapter on that subject.
I have been requested by our Chapter to write to you on the subject, and request you the favor of obtaining one in Tuscaloosa for us, to be sent down in time for us to seal the documents which will be brought up to the G. Chapter on the 1st Monday in Decem: If you will oblige us in this matter, it will be a favor not to be forgotten.
The No: of our Chapter is 20; & the device on the seal we will leave to your own taste. We expect to fully represent both our Lodge & Chapter, on the 1st Monday in December at Tuscaloosa. Our Lodge will be represented by Bro: S. B. Boyd, with the Master & Wardens. I shall probably occupy a seat as a Past Junior Grand Warden. Our Chapter will be represented by Myself, Boyd, & Williams. Masonry is flourishing here, and we are doing much for the relief of several Orphans.
Yours Truly & Fraternally A. P. Pfister Esqr Rob[?] H. Dalton Livingston, Ala, Nov: 18<sup>th</sup> 1843.
Dear Sir.
<p-bgn>Owing to negligence on the part of a
companion, who had promised to procure a Seal
for the use of our Chapter, we are yet without one;
and consequently we are not acting in conformity
to the requisition of the G. Chapter on that subject.<p-end>
<p-bgn>I have been requested by our
Chapter to write to you on the subject, and
request you the favor of obtaining one in
Tuscaloosa for us, to be sent down in time
for us to seal the documents which will be
brought up to the G. Chapter on the 1<sup>st</sup> Monday
in Decem: If you will oblige us in this
matter, it will be a favor not to be forgotten.<p-end>
<p-bgn>The No: of our Chapter is 20; &
the <und>device</und> on the seal we will leave to your
own taste. We expect to fully represent
both our Lodge & Chapter, on the 1s<sup>t</sup> Monday in
December at Tuscaloosa. Our Lodge will be
represented by Bro: S. B. Boyd, with the Master &
Wardens. I shall probably occupy a seat as a
Past Junior Grand Warden. Our Chapter will be
represented by Myself, Boyd, & Williams. Masonry
is flourishing here, and we are doing much for the
relief <add>of</add> several Orphans.<p-end> Yours Truly & Fraternally
A. P. Pfister Esqr <und>Ro<unclear><sup>b</sup></unclear> H. Dalton</und>
I have been requested by our Chapter to write to you on the subject, and request you the favor of obtaining one in Tuscaloosa for us, to be sent down in time for us to seal the documents which will be brought up to the G. Chapter on the 1st Monday in Decem: If you will oblige us in this matter, it will be a favor not to be forgotten.
The No: of our Chapter is 20; & the device on the seal we will leave to your own taste. We expect to fully represent both our Lodge & Chapter, on the 1st Monday in December at Tuscaloosa. Our Lodge will be represented by Bro: S. B. Boyd, with the Master & Wardens. I shall probably occupy a seat as a Past Junior Grand Warden. Our Chapter will be represented by Myself, Boyd, & Williams. Masonry is flourishing here, and we are doing much for the relief of several Orphans.
Yours Truly & Fraternally A. P. Pfister Esqr Rob[?] H. Dalton Livingston, Ala, Nov: 18<sup>th</sup> 1843.
Dear Sir.
<p-bgn>Owing to negligence on the part of a
companion, who had promised to procure a Seal
for the use of our Chapter, we are yet without one;
and consequently we are not acting in conformity
to the requisition of the G. Chapter on that subject.<p-end>
<p-bgn>I have been requested by our
Chapter to write to you on the subject, and
request you the favor of obtaining one in
Tuscaloosa for us, to be sent down in time
for us to seal the documents which will be
brought up to the G. Chapter on the 1<sup>st</sup> Monday
in Decem: If you will oblige us in this
matter, it will be a favor not to be forgotten.<p-end>
<p-bgn>The No: of our Chapter is 20; &
the <und>device</und> on the seal we will leave to your
own taste. We expect to fully represent
both our Lodge & Chapter, on the 1s<sup>t</sup> Monday in
December at Tuscaloosa. Our Lodge will be
represented by Bro: S. B. Boyd, with the Master &
Wardens. I shall probably occupy a seat as a
Past Junior Grand Warden. Our Chapter will be
represented by Myself, Boyd, & Williams. Masonry
is flourishing here, and we are doing much for the
relief <add>of</add> several Orphans.<p-end> Yours Truly & Fraternally
A. P. Pfister Esqr <und>Ro<unclear><sup>b</sup></unclear> H. Dalton</und>

A. P. Pfister Esqr
A. P. Pfister Esqr
A. P. Pfister Esqr

Livingston Nov 18
R H Dalton
Livingston Nov 18
R H Dalton
R H Dalton