Document set 'Letter from Armistead B. Dawson to Armand P. Pfister, 1840 October 26'
Transcript style:other pages

Wetumpka. 26th Oct 1840.
Know ye, that I Armistead B Dawson Dept.
Grand High Priest of the Grand Royale arch Chapter of
the state of Alabama, Do hear authorize &
delegate in my name, one worthy companion
& Brother, Armand Pfister the Grand Secty
to visit the City of Columbia[?] in the state of
Mississippi and organize the Chapter
in the City under his virtue of authority
given him under Charter, under my hand
& Seal as D.. G. H. & P. of the State of Alabama
In writing whereof I herewith set my hand
the day above written[?]
A B Dawson D. G. H. P S. Alabama Your two letters were duly recd. & owing to sickness of what I have had a good deal they were not answered. I shall be in Alabama myself in some 15 days and would be pleased to get there in time to aid & assist you. Start them to work & when I come "I can see how you have done it" Give them instructions as to arranging room furniture &c & see that they have it all prepared. Yrs. Truly. A B Dawson {family yet sick Wetumpka. 26<sup>th</sup> Oct 1840.
<p-bgn>Know ye, that I Armistead B Dawson Dep<sup>t</sup>.
Grand High Priest of the Grand Royale <add>arch</add> Chapter of
the state of Alabama, Do hear authorize &
delegate in my name, one worthy companion
& Brother, Armand Pfister the Grand Secty
to visit the City of <unclear>Columbia</unclear> in the state of
Mississippi and organize the Chapter
in the City under his virtue of authority
given him under Charter, under my hand
& Seal as D.. G. H. & P. of the State of Alabama
In writing whereof I herewith set my hand
<unclear>the day above written</unclear><p-end>
A B <und>Dawson</und> D. G. H. P
<und>S. Alabama</und>
<p-bgn>Your two letters were duly rec<sup>d</sup>. & owing to sickness of what I
have had a <und>good deal</und> they were not answered. I shall be in
Alabama myself in some 15 days and would be pleased to
get there in time to aid & assist you. Start them to work
& when I come "I can see how you have done it" Give them
instructions as to arranging room furniture &c & see that they have
it all prepared. Y<sup>rs</sup>. Truly. A B Dawson {<und>family yet sick</und>
A B Dawson D. G. H. P S. Alabama Your two letters were duly recd. & owing to sickness of what I have had a good deal they were not answered. I shall be in Alabama myself in some 15 days and would be pleased to get there in time to aid & assist you. Start them to work & when I come "I can see how you have done it" Give them instructions as to arranging room furniture &c & see that they have it all prepared. Yrs. Truly. A B Dawson {family yet sick Wetumpka. 26<sup>th</sup> Oct 1840.
<p-bgn>Know ye, that I Armistead B Dawson Dep<sup>t</sup>.
Grand High Priest of the Grand Royale <add>arch</add> Chapter of
the state of Alabama, Do hear authorize &
delegate in my name, one worthy companion
& Brother, Armand Pfister the Grand Secty
to visit the City of <unclear>Columbia</unclear> in the state of
Mississippi and organize the Chapter
in the City under his virtue of authority
given him under Charter, under my hand
& Seal as D.. G. H. & P. of the State of Alabama
In writing whereof I herewith set my hand
<unclear>the day above written</unclear><p-end>
A B <und>Dawson</und> D. G. H. P
<und>S. Alabama</und>
<p-bgn>Your two letters were duly rec<sup>d</sup>. & owing to sickness of what I
have had a <und>good deal</und> they were not answered. I shall be in
Alabama myself in some 15 days and would be pleased to
get there in time to aid & assist you. Start them to work
& when I come "I can see how you have done it" Give them
instructions as to arranging room furniture &c & see that they have
it all prepared. Y<sup>rs</sup>. Truly. A B Dawson {<und>family yet sick</und>

Armand P. Pfister, G. S.
Ala --
Armand P. Pfister, G. S.
Ala --
Armand P. Pfister, G. S.
Ala --

A B Dawson
A B Dawson