Document set '0011'
Transcript style:other pages

As a natural consequences of this distracted and disheartening
appearances, the Fedl. authy. had last condition of the Union The Fedl. authy
had ceased to be respected abroad, and dispositions shown
there, particularly in G. B. to take advantage of its imbecility,
and to speculate on its approaching downfall; at home
it had close it had lost all confidence & credit had expired or now
expiring: the th unstable and unjust policy career of the States
Governments had also forfeited the respect & confidence one felt in it essential to order
and good Govt., and th involvedving a general decay of confidence
& credit between man & man. It was found moreover,
that those least partial to popular Gov or most distrustful of its efficacy were yielding
to the anticipations, that from an increase of the confusion
a Govt. might be result more congenial with their
taste or their opinions; whilst those most devoted to the principles
and forms of Republics, were alarmed best for the cause
of liberty itself, at stake in the [?] American Experiment, and
anxious for a system that wd. avoid the inefficacy of a mere confederacy
without passing into the opposite extreme of a consolidationed
tion of the States into a single simple comunity; with the organized govt.
powers of a single Govt. and It was known that there were
individuals who had betrayed a bias towards Monarchy, [see Knox to G. W. & him to Jay] (Marshall's life)
and there were had always been some not unfavorable to a partition of the
Union into several Confederacies; either from a better chance
of figuring on a Sectional Theatre, or that the Sections
would require stronger Govts. or by their hostile conflicts
lead to a monarchical consolidation. The idea of a dismemberment
had been recently made its appearance in in the
[see letter of J. M. to Je]fferson.
Such were the defects, the deformities & the diseases
and the ominous prospects, for which the Convention were
to provide a remedy, and which ought never to be overlooked
in expounding & appreciating the Constitutional
Charter the remedy that was provided.
As <p-bgn>As <del>a</del> natural consequences of this distracted and disheartening
appearances, the <del>Fed<sup>l</sup>. auth<sup>y</sup>. had last</del> <add>condition of the Union</add> The Fed<sup>l</sup>. auth<sup>y</sup>
had ceased to be respected abroad, and dispositions shown
there, particularly in G. B. to take advantage of its imbecility,
and to speculate on its approaching downfall; at home
<del>it had close</del> <add>it had lost</add> all confidence & credit <del>had expired or now</del>
<del>expiring:</del> the <del>th</del> unstable and unjust <del>policy</del> <add>career</add> of the States
<add><del>Governments</del></add> had <add>also</add> forfeited the respect & confidence <add><del>one felt in it</del></add> essential to order
and good Gov<sup>t</sup>., <del>and th</del> involv<del>ed</del><sup>ving</sup> a general decay of confidence
& credit between man & man. It was found moreover,
that those least partial to popular Gov <add>or most distrustful of its efficacy</add> were yielding
to <del>the</del> anticipations, that from an increase of the confusion
a Gov<sup>t</sup>. might <del>be</del> result more congenial with their
taste or their opinions; whilst those most devoted to the principles
and forms of Republics, were alarmed <del>best</del> for the cause
of liberty itself, at stake in the <del><ill></del> American Experiment, and
anxious for a system that w<sup>d</sup>. avoid the inefficacy of a mere confederacy
without passing into the opposite extreme of a consolida<del>tion</del>ed
<del>tion of the States into a single <add>simple</add> comunity; with the organized</del> <add>gov<sup>t</sup>.</add>
<del>powers of a single Gov<sup>t</sup>. <add>and</add></del> It was known that there were
individuals who had betrayed a bias towards Monarchy, <add>[see Knox to G. W. & him to Jay]</add> (Marshall's life)
and there <del>were</del> <add>had always been</add> some not unfavorable to a partition of the
Union into several Confederacies; either from a better chance
of figuring on a Sectional Theatre, or that the Sections
would require stronger Gov<sup>ts</sup>. or by their hostile conflicts
lead to a monarchical consolidation. The idea of <add>a</add> dismemberment
had <del>been</del> recently made its appearance in in the
Newspapers. <p-end>[<del>see letter of J. M. to Je]fferson.</del>
<p-bgn>Such were the defects, the deformities <add><del>&</del></add> the diseases
and the ominous prospects, for which the Convention were
to provide a remedy, and which ought never to be overlooked
in expounding & appreciating the Constitutional
Charter the remedy that was provided. <p-end> As
As <p-bgn>As <del>a</del> natural consequences of this distracted and disheartening
appearances, the <del>Fed<sup>l</sup>. auth<sup>y</sup>. had last</del> <add>condition of the Union</add> The Fed<sup>l</sup>. auth<sup>y</sup>
had ceased to be respected abroad, and dispositions shown
there, particularly in G. B. to take advantage of its imbecility,
and to speculate on its approaching downfall; at home
<del>it had close</del> <add>it had lost</add> all confidence & credit <del>had expired or now</del>
<del>expiring:</del> the <del>th</del> unstable and unjust <del>policy</del> <add>career</add> of the States
<add><del>Governments</del></add> had <add>also</add> forfeited the respect & confidence <add><del>one felt in it</del></add> essential to order
and good Gov<sup>t</sup>., <del>and th</del> involv<del>ed</del><sup>ving</sup> a general decay of confidence
& credit between man & man. It was found moreover,
that those least partial to popular Gov <add>or most distrustful of its efficacy</add> were yielding
to <del>the</del> anticipations, that from an increase of the confusion
a Gov<sup>t</sup>. might <del>be</del> result more congenial with their
taste or their opinions; whilst those most devoted to the principles
and forms of Republics, were alarmed <del>best</del> for the cause
of liberty itself, at stake in the <del><ill></del> American Experiment, and
anxious for a system that w<sup>d</sup>. avoid the inefficacy of a mere confederacy
without passing into the opposite extreme of a consolida<del>tion</del>ed
<del>tion of the States into a single <add>simple</add> comunity; with the organized</del> <add>gov<sup>t</sup>.</add>
<del>powers of a single Gov<sup>t</sup>. <add>and</add></del> It was known that there were
individuals who had betrayed a bias towards Monarchy, <add>[see Knox to G. W. & him to Jay]</add> (Marshall's life)
and there <del>were</del> <add>had always been</add> some not unfavorable to a partition of the
Union into several Confederacies; either from a better chance
of figuring on a Sectional Theatre, or that the Sections
would require stronger Gov<sup>ts</sup>. or by their hostile conflicts
lead to a monarchical consolidation. The idea of <add>a</add> dismemberment
had <del>been</del> recently made its appearance in in the
Newspapers. <p-end>[<del>see letter of J. M. to Je]fferson.</del>
<p-bgn>Such were the defects, the deformities <add><del>&</del></add> the diseases
and the ominous prospects, for which the Convention were
to provide a remedy, and which ought never to be overlooked
in expounding & appreciating the Constitutional
Charter the remedy that was provided. <p-end> As