Document set '0001'
Transcript style:other pages

But the radical infirmity of the "Arts. of Confederation". (6
was the dependance of Congs, on the voluntary
and simultaneous compliance with its Requisitions,
by so many independant Communities, each consulting
more or less its particular interest & convenience
and distrusting the compliance of the others. Whilst
the paper emissions of Congs. continued to circulate
they were employed as a sinew of war, like gold &
silver. When that ceased to be the case, the fatal
defect of the po political System was felt in its
alarming force. The war was merely kept alive
and brought to a successful conclusion by such foreign aids and
temporary expedients as could be applied; a hope
prevailing with many, and a wish with all, that
a state of peace, and the sources of prosperity opened
by it, would give to the Confederacy in in practice,
the efficiency which had been inferred from its theory.
The close of the war however brought no - cure for the public embarrasments. The States relieved from the pressure of foreign danger, and flushed with the enjoyment of independent and sovereign power; [instead of a diminished disposition to part with it,] persevered in omissions and in measures incompatible with their relations to the Federal Govt. and with those among them themselves;[no[t] withstanding,
the urgency of the national engagements,
and the increasing anarchy and collisions which threatened the Union
Having served as a member of Congs. through the period between Mar. 1780 & the arrival of peace in 1783, I had become intimatelywith acquainted with the public proplexities[?] and distresses and
the causes of them. I had observed the Successful -
<p-bgn>But the radical infirmity of the "Art<sup>s</sup>. of Confederation". (6
was the dependance of Cong<sup>s</sup>, on the voluntary
and simultaneous compliance with its Requisitions,
by so many independant Communities, each consulting
more or less its particular interest & convenience
and distrusting the compliance of the others. Whilst
the paper emissions of Cong<sup>s</sup>. continued to circulate
they were employed as a sinew of war, like gold &
silver. When that ceased to be the case, the fatal
defect of the <del>po</del> political System was felt in its
alarming force. The war was merely kept alive
and brought to a successful conclusion by such <add>foreign aids and</add>
temporary expedients as could be applied; a hope
prevailing with many, and a wish with all, that
a state of peace, and the sources of prosperity opened
by it, would give to the Confederacy <del>in</del> in practice,
the efficiency which had been inferred from its theory.<p-end>
<p-bgn>The close of the war however brought no
- cure for the public embarrasments. The States
relieved from the pressure of foreign danger, and
flushed with the enjoyment of independent and
sovereign power; [instead of a diminished disposition
to part with it,] persevered in omissions and
in measures incompatible with their relations to the
Federal Gov<sup>t</sup>. and with those among them themselves; <del>[no[t] withstanding,
the urgency of the national engagements,
and the <add>increasing</add> anarchy <add>and collisions</add> which threatened the Union
<p-bgn>Having served as a member of Cong<sup>s</sup>. through the
period between Mar. 1780 & the arrival of peace in 1783, I
had become <add>intimately <del>with</del></add> acquainted with the public <del><unclear>proplexities</unclear> and</del> <add>distresses and</add>
the causes of them. I had observed the Successful -
The close of the war however brought no - cure for the public embarrasments. The States relieved from the pressure of foreign danger, and flushed with the enjoyment of independent and sovereign power; [instead of a diminished disposition to part with it,] persevered in omissions and in measures incompatible with their relations to the Federal Govt. and with those among them themselves;
Having served as a member of Congs. through the period between Mar. 1780 & the arrival of peace in 1783, I had become intimately
was the dependance of Cong<sup>s</sup>, on the voluntary
and simultaneous compliance with its Requisitions,
by so many independant Communities, each consulting
more or less its particular interest & convenience
and distrusting the compliance of the others. Whilst
the paper emissions of Cong<sup>s</sup>. continued to circulate
they were employed as a sinew of war, like gold &
silver. When that ceased to be the case, the fatal
defect of the <del>po</del> political System was felt in its
alarming force. The war was merely kept alive
and brought to a successful conclusion by such <add>foreign aids and</add>
temporary expedients as could be applied; a hope
prevailing with many, and a wish with all, that
a state of peace, and the sources of prosperity opened
by it, would give to the Confederacy <del>in</del> in practice,
the efficiency which had been inferred from its theory.<p-end>
<p-bgn>The close of the war however brought no
- cure for the public embarrasments. The States
relieved from the pressure of foreign danger, and
flushed with the enjoyment of independent and
sovereign power; [instead of a diminished disposition
to part with it,] persevered in omissions and
in measures incompatible with their relations to the
Federal Gov<sup>t</sup>. and with those among them themselves; <del>[no[t] withstanding,
the urgency of the national engagements,
and the <add>increasing</add> anarchy <add>and collisions</add> which threatened the Union
<p-bgn>Having served as a member of Cong<sup>s</sup>. through the
period between Mar. 1780 & the arrival of peace in 1783, I
had become <add>intimately <del>with</del></add> acquainted with the public <del><unclear>proplexities</unclear> and</del> <add>distresses and</add>
the causes of them. I had observed the Successful -