Concordance Plus

Concordance Plus offers all the words in our exhibits that have been transcribed through T-Pen: Winterthur Library, Van Gorden-Williams Library & Archives at the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library, and James Madison

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Adjust line height for text that is angled or to see the lines above and below the selected line. Viewing multiple lines will allow you to examine the full context of the word.

Search Tool

"Text" will search for lines containing that text. If "Exact Word" is selected, it searches for words; if "Letter Sequence" is selected, it searches for that sequence of letters, possibly inside of larger words.
"Unclear lines only" will retrieve lines with "unclear" words: those that have not been definitively transcribed.
"Line index" can be used to show the first line of a page, for example, or more than one line.

Raw List (numbers and alphabetical)

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Download JSON file

The original manuscript and full context of the word are viewable by using the "toggle line image" button. This can be adjusted to include additional lines by using the line height adjustment.

Abbreviations & Variants