Document set '038'

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philadelphia ye: 23 th: 5 mo: 1703 Son Frances I am very Sorrey thee Should be Soe unmindefull of thy duty As not to write me A line Codmon is heare & John buds Wife both Saw thee at Rhoad Island & Joseph writes by this post thee had bien arived at Boston att to dayes All which makes me & others Admire & I am Ashamed yt Ancy Should See thee Should be Soe Slighting to mee I desire for time to come thee may not Soe forget thy Self I am very porely ye Extreame heate is very heard to me thy Sistor Still ill & not yett Rid of her distemper my Kind love & Respects to daniel zackerey & ye Rest of friends & Aquaintanc & to Tho Fitch desire him to gitt me Sum Salve we are allmost out & Send by ancy Hoope I understand by codmon thee had Sum Sider I wish thee had Sent it I much desire thee to be carefull of thy self[?] this hott wether being Soe fer from home & be as mindfull of what is neseary for thy Improvement Every way ye which I much desire I Shall be in Expectation to here from the & next post & at psant conclude being Extreame hott its heard for me to write with trew & Tendor Love thy Afecinate Mother Rebe Shippen we understand Josephs Wife is brought to bed with A Son my love to him & wife &ct thy Sistor Ann & Rebekah desires their Love to thee With Joseph & Wife with ye Rest of friends &ct RS philadelphia y<sup>e</sup>: 23 <sup>th</sup>: 5 <sup>mo</sup>: 1703
Son Frances I am very Sorrey thee Should be Soe unmindefull
of thy duty As not to write me A line Codmon is
heare & John buds Wife both Saw thee at Rhoad Island &
Joseph writes by this post thee had bien arived at Boston <del>att</del>
<add>to dayes</add> All which makes me & others Admire & I am Ashamed y<sup>t</sup>
Ancy Should See thee Should be Soe Slighting to mee I
desire for time to come thee may not Soe forget thy Self
I am very porely y<sup>e</sup> Extreame heate is very heard to me
thy Sistor Still ill & not yett Rid of her distemper
my Kind love & Respects to daniel zackerey & y<sup>e</sup> Rest
of friends & Aquaintanc & to Tho Fit<add>c</add>h desire him
to gitt me Sum Salve we are allmost out & Send by ancy
Hoope I understand by codmon thee had Sum Sider I wish
thee had Sent it I much desire thee to be carefull of thy
<unclear>self</unclear> this hott wether being Soe fer from home & be as
mindfull of what is neseary for thy Improvement
Every way y<sup>e</sup> which I much desire I Shall be in Expectatio<add>n</add>
to here from the & next post & at psant conclude
being Extreame hott its heard for me to write with trew
& Tendor Love thy Afecinate Mother
Rebe Shippen
we understand Josephs
Wife is brought to bed
with A Son my love to him
& wife &ct thy Sistor
Ann & Rebekah desires their
Love to thee With Joseph & Wife
with y<sup>e</sup> Rest of friends &ct RS